Notes on Design - Sessions College

About Notes on Design

For over a decade, Notes on Design has been providing content to help professional and aspiring designers succeed in their careers. Since our beginning, we’ve had many contributors from a variety of different creative backgrounds and experiences offer their expertise to our readers.

Our subscribers like the tips and tools we provide, but they also like to have their fingers on the pulse of the design and art world. If you subscribe to our newsletter, you can have all this delivered to your inbox.

Jill Meyer - Editor Notes on Design - Sessions College

Jill Meyer is the editor for Notes on Design. She’s a creative with an interior design background, among her many other talents. Find Jill’s bio here.

Notes on Design is a work that is entirely undertaken by Sessions College for Professional Design. Sessions College has been helping forge the artists and designers of the world since 1997. If you’re interested in pursuing a creative career, you can request information here.

If you’d like to contact the NoD team, please reach out to
Take a look at some Notes on Design featured articles below: