Outstanding Graduate Awards 2017

Ryan Evans

Knetzgau, Germany
Undergraduate Certificate in Digital Photography

I love to design and take photographs; I prefer to create everything from start to finish, without having to use anyone else’s stock images. I do a lot of charity work for local kids clubs and community organizations. My interests really aligned with Sessions degree programs.

Portfolio Samples

Skills/Interests: Photography, design, and charity work for local kids clubs and community organizations.

My Sessions Experience

Sessions helped me broaden my perspective of a lot of different a aspects of my design work, from the color schemes that I would like to use to the direct framing of the next time that I snap another photograph.

Sessions gave me a flexible timeframe to complete coursework around my schedule and work everything around what I had going on in my life. I have a family, pets, kids sports, and a tons of events that I cover from rock concerts to pro sports (Soccer/Basketball) and flexibility is the key to studying with Sessions.


“Ryan was one of my best students and a pleasure to have in class. Ryan has his own unique visual approach and set of interests…throughout his classes he was able to mold assignments to fit his aesthetic, showing real pre-planning and consistency of style across different genres. Many of my assignments pushed him away from his usual methods , but he approached each exercise with a desire to learn. He would dive right into new techniques, learning the skills but also creating usable portfolio pieces in the process. His willingness to try new things and his passion for creating strong imagery will serve him well in his future endeavors!”Felicia Kieselhorst, Head of Digital Photography

My Next Steps

It’s awesome for me to say that I have achieved my goals already and I am always looking for the next best thing. I am shooting for a German professional basketball team, Brose Bamberg, and also the Bundesliga Soccer when it fits into my schedule. You can see my work at

The biggest piece of advice that I could give someone is never sell yourself short: get your work out there for people to see.