Kristen Becker
Department Head of Advertising DesignKristen Becker is an educator and a graphic and business designer specializing in e-commerce. She has developed and marketed a niche e-commerce boutique featured in Real Simple, Better Homes & Gardens, and In Style magazines. With over 12 years of experience as an award winning educator, she has developed curriculum and taught courses in graphic design, multimedia, and e-commerce/marketing. Kristen has an Master's degree in Digital Arts From Maryland Institute College of Art.
Degree(s) earned:
- MA in Digital Arts, Maryland Institute College of Art
- BA in Environmental Systems, University of Maryland
Currently Teaching:
Advertising Design
ADV 201: Advertising Design I
Advertising Design
ADV 205: Marketing Design
Advertising Design
ADV 207: Creative Concept Development
DEG 344: Professional Practices
Graphic Design
DES 141: Illustrator I
Graphic Design
DES 204: The Study of Graphic Design
Graphic Design
DES 207: Layout Design
Graphic Design
DES 222: Photoshop II
Graphic Design
DES 302: Beyond Branding
Graphic Design
DES 411: Interactive Marketing
General Education
GEN 204: Intro to Marketing
General Education
GEN 206: Creative Business
General Education
GEN 402: Communication
General Education
GEN 409: Cultural Anthropology
ILL 210: Technical Illustration and Infographics
Web Design
WEB 207: Internet Marketing