Free Font Friday: Notable
by Taylor Slattery | January 8, 2021
Notable is a sans serif display font created by Eli Block, Hana Tanimura, and Noemie Le Coz as part of the Notable Women project with Google and former Treasurer of the United States, Rosie Rios. The project swaps the faces we’re accustomed to seeing on US currency with women whose faces we might not be familiar with but should be.
Notable is based on the type found on US currency but its lack of serifs gives it a markedly more modern feel. It’s high contrast letterforms lend it great legibility as well as giving it a bit of an art deco vibe. Like those found on the bills that inspired them, the letterforms are rather wide, with each letterform’s width feeling almost equal to its height. This squareness gives Notable a strong, sturdy feel, a sentiment reinforced by its bold weight.
Notable maintains its legibility well even at small sizes, though its clean, well-balanced forms are more likely to have you display it large and proudly. Notable pairs well with any sans serif workhorse you place it next to and its subtle character opens the door up to a variety of louder candidates as well. It’s an eye-grabbing typeface and would make a great choice for headlines, packaging, or posters.
Notable is available in a single weight and you can find it for free here.
Taylor is the Managing Editor of Notes on Design. Taylor is a graphic designer, illustrator, and Design Lead at Weirdsleep.