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“Should I Be A Graphic Designer?”

by Taylor Slattery | October 4, 2023


What’s Involved With Being A Graphic Designer?

On a fundamental level, the purpose of graphic design is to communicate a message. This message can be used in advertising to attract customers, in public signage to help people navigate streets or buildings, or in scientific textbooks to teach students complex engineering concepts. 

Because graphic design can be used anywhere a message needs to be communicated, the potential applications of graphic design are endless. Graphic designers work in every sector you can imagine. This makes graphic design a great field to study to acquire a base set of skills you can connect to your other interests. 

For example, say you have an interest in fashion or coffee. It isn’t hard to imagine the value of well-executed, unique graphic design work for both of these industries. Graphic design can provide you with the means of bridging your different passions and taking your career to some unexpected places. 

Career Opportunities in Graphic Design

There’s a world of opportunity available to those looking to work in graphic design. For the same reason, the lifestyle that accompanies working as a graphic designer can vary wildly between designers. The degree of predictability of your day-to-day as a graphic designer will depend on the career path you choose to take. Traditionally, graphic design jobs fall into one of two categories: in-house and agency.


In-House Graphic Design

Should you choose the in-house path, your workload will be much more predictable. Your day-to-day may have less variety in the sorts of things you’ll produce, but more room for mastery. Because you’ll be spending all of your time with a single brand, you’ll be able to gain a stronger understanding of its values and how to communicate them visually.

The size of an in-house team will depend on the size of the company, but generally, you’ll have some designers in more senior positions who can pass on some of their knowledge and help you to progress in your own career. 


Agency Graphic Design

On the other hand, you can always go the agency route. Agencies have to compete to win jobs and often have tighter turnarounds which can make for a high-pressure environment. For those willing to rise to the occasion, however, this sort of setting can push your creativity to new heights. 

You’ll work on a number of different projects at a time for a wide variety of clients and the constant shifting of gears will help you to hone your creative skills and keep them sharp. Finding a job in an agency is a great way for new designers to cut their teeth and gain some real-world experience.

Is Becoming A Graphic Designer Right For You?

So, should you become a graphic designer? The truth is, there’s no tried and true answer that works across the board. This choice, such as with any other major life decision, is highly personal.

Everyone comes into the graphic design field with different types of passions, experiences, and skill sets. Which is amazing for the industry since no two graphic designers are ever truly the same.

At the end of the day, if you feel compelled to pursue a career in graphic design and any of the above job settings sounds appealing to you—then take the leap and see what happens.

Are you ready to turn your passion into a profession ASAP? Take the first step toward a fulfilling career as a graphic designer by enrolling in one of Sessions College’s accredited graphic design programs today!

With our flexible online graphic design degree options and affordable graphic design certificate programs, expert instructors, and a curriculum that’s designed to help hone your skills, you’ll be well-equipped to make your mark on the world as a graphic designer.


Taylor is the Managing Editor of Notes on Design. Taylor is a graphic designer, illustrator, and Design Lead at Weirdsleep.


If you are interested in developing your graphic design skills, Sessions College offers a range of graphic design courses for students at all levels. Contact Admissions for more information.

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