WWW… Wednesday! Atropos JS
by Taylor Slattery | November 16, 2021
Looking to stand out and bring your web designs to life? Atropos is a JavaScript library for creating interactive parallax hover effects that can transform even the most mundane of elements into a fun interactive surprise.
The interactions are built on pointer events so the effects function equally well regardless of input. This means that by using just a single implementation, you can capture a range of input devices from mice to touchscreens, so whether your visitors are using a desktop browser with a cursor or a touch screen on their mobile, they will have the same experience. The pointer events are also supported across all major browsers so you can implement them with confidence.
The 3D transformations allow for a range of customization. Values for shadows and highlights, timing delays and durations, as well as stretch and rotation can all be adjusted to dial in a custom look. Elements can each have their own effect on scroll-over or be grouped into a unit with a shared perspective for an even larger effect.
Atropos manages to use a few properties to maximal effect, so you’ll find it rather easy to integrate into your existing work. Atropos is available for JavaScript, React, Vue.js, and Svelte and is both free and open source. It’s also a super lightweight package coming in at only 2kb.
If you’re looking for a way to spice up boring grids and galleries by making them interactive, Atropos is a great tool to make that happen. You can learn more and find the library here.
Taylor is the Managing Editor of Notes on Design. Taylor is a graphic designer, illustrator, and Design Lead at Weirdsleep.