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WWW… Wednesday! SigmaOS

by Taylor Slattery | September 7, 2021

As we all know the internet is a double-edged sword. For all the opportunities it affords us in terms of productivity, there is just as much potential for distraction, which makes navigating the web for work tricky business. We rely on the internet to keep us connected and complete our work, but browsers aren’t built for productivity and neither are most of the spaces we commonly use online. For the sake of productivity, we can use all the help we can get.

The way we use the internet has changed a great deal since it was first introduced. Despite that, our browsers haven’t changed to reflect this, with today’s browsers looking more or less the same as they did 20 years ago.

SigmaOS, on the other hand, is a macOS browser aimed at improving the way you work. It’s a browser that’s been rebuilt from the ground up with the needs of the modern worker in mind. Its features are designed to complement the types of tasks common across a variety of different jobs, but are sure to be of benefit to anybody looking to simply get more work done.

Its clean, minimal interface is non-intrusive, only showing you what you need and tucking away the rest to keep you focused on the task at hand. Just out of sight lies a powerful tray, similar to the bookmarks we’re all familiar with but capable of storing your commonly used web apps and workspaces which can be organized by use, project, or however you see fit.

If a single window isn’t enough, SigmaOS also features a split-screen configuration to take your multitasking to the next level. Whether you’re conducting research, tracking trends, or comparing data, the additional screen real estate is sure to be of use. When you find that next big lead or are ready to send your work off for approval, sharing is just a keystroke away. SigmaOS has integrated collaborative features that bring messaging, chat, and social sharing right to the browser, accessible via shortcut.

If it’s time to switch gears or you just need to keep your work and play spaces separated, you can temporarily put pages to sleep when they aren’t in use to clear up your workspace without having to create a bookmark. The best part is that all of this and more can be done without ever needing to reach for your mouse. SigmaOS is built around the keyboard to boost your efficiency and keep your fingers at the ready.

Last but not least, for those who are constantly on the move, SigmaOS can sync workspaces across devices to keep your sessions going no matter where your work takes you. If you’re ready to start working better on the web, be sure to check out SigmaOS.

You can learn more about SigmaOS and try it out for yourself here.


Taylor is the Managing Editor of Notes on Design. Taylor is a graphic designer, illustrator, and Design Lead at Weirdsleep.


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