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Online Bachelors Degre in Graphic Design - Sessions College
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Online Graphic Design-Degree - Sessions College
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Graphic Design Career-Certificate - Sessions College
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Web Design Undergraduate Certificate - Sessions College
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Web Design Career Certificate - Sessions College
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Online Bachelors Degree in Photography
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Online digital photography degree - Sessions College
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Fine Arts Career Certificate - Sessions College
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Online Illustration Degree - Sessions College
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Digital Arts Career Certificate - Sessions College
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Digital Arts Career Certificate - Sessions College
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Fine Arts Career Certificate - Sessions College
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Graphic Design Career-Certificate - Sessions College
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Web Design Career Certificate - Sessions College
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Online Bachelors Degre in Graphic Design - Sessions College
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Online Bachelors Degree in Photography
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Online bachelors degree in illustration - Sessions College
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Online digital photography degree - Sessions College
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Online Illustration Degree - Sessions College
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Academic Policies

Career Course Enrollment

What academic policies apply to students enrolling in individual career courses on a non-credit basis?  You can find a directory of current academic policy on this page or in our catalog.

If you have a question about any information on this page, please contact a Student Advisor at

Admissions Criteria

Career Courses Admissions Policy

Students entering career courses are expected to have earned a high school diploma, GED, or state-approved home school equivalent. Any student under 18 years of age must provide the signed permission of a parent or guardian. All students are expected to have a satisfactory command of the English language.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Sessions College is in compliance with all requirements imposed by or pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The institution does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, creed, age, or national origin in its activities, programs, or employment policies, in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws.

Disability Policy

Sessions College is committed to providing qualified students who have a disability an equal opportunity to access the benefits of educational programs and activities in compliance with The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Accommodations are provided to qualified students with disabilities. Students who believe they require accommodations should contact a Student Advisor at or call 800-258-4115 Option 2.

When Do Classes Start?

Enrollment for career courses is continuous. You are provided three months of access from the date of enrollment to complete your enrolled course(s).


What Kind Of Computer Do I Need?

To enroll in any program at Sessions College, you need a computer with an Internet connection, and may need specific software and/or art supplies.  Check our career course catalog page to see the requirements by course.

Academic Model

In Sessions College vocational courses, the assessment of skills, knowledge, and abilities is formal and continuous. The main focus of the course is on helping students attain technical and creative skills through practical work. Throughout a course, student learning is primarily assessed through the evaluation of practical exercises. Practical exercises account for 100% of the grade in each course. 

In each course, students learn new topics presented in course lectures. Course lectures are graphical Web pages packed with images and illustrations, and supported as needed by video tutorials and reading assignments from an online library.

In each course, students complete exercises that they submit to their instructor in online Dropboxes for grading and feedback. Depending on the course, course exercises can range from digital imaging to Web page layouts, drawing, animation, and written essays, and more. Each exercise is designed to test the achievement of course and program objectives and contains specific instructions, performance objectives, and grading criteria. Instructors will provide grades and detailed critiques for each exercise. Students may revise assignments based on instructor feedback and resubmit them for further evaluation.

Program Requirements

Program Orientation

Upon completing registration, students are enrolled into an online Orientation class which must be completed before the start of term. In order to complete Orientation, students must:

1. Create a student profile.
2. Get comfortable with how to access and utilize the Sessions learning environment.
3. Confirm their course schedule with their Student Advisor.

Accessing Courses

When a course opens, a link to the course will appear on the student’s homepage in the learning environment. Students are not required to start a vocational course on the day it opens, but students are expected to complete any enrolled course within 3 months of enrollment date.

Completion Requirements

In order to complete a Sessions career course, students must:

  • Complete all assignments and any graded exams in each course.
  • Achieve an overall average grade of 65 or higher.
  • Have resolved all financial obligations to Sessions College for Professional Design.

Any questions about completion requirements can be directed to your Student Advisor.

Individual Course Extensions

The total duration for any individual course contract is 12 weeks. After the expiration of this time period, the enrollment agreement is void. Students enrolled in individual vocational courses (not enrolled in a program) who reach their enrollment end date and need more time can continue their enrollment for up to 6 additional months at a rate of $50/month. The program is an automatic payment plan. Students simply set up an automatic charge of $50 per month on their credit card, which will continue until the earliest of their cancellation, course completion, or 6 months.

Academic Policies

Clock Hour Definition

Career program courses are measured in clock hours. A clock hour is generally defined as a 60 minute period of time that contains 50 to 60 minutes of classwork, lecture, or lab work. In our vocational programs, clock hours are calculated to indicate the minimum hours required to complete a course or program, including time allocated to lectures, assignments, and student/instructor interactions.

Academic Freedom

Sessions Colleges is committed to supporting the expression of academic freedom by faculty, staff, and students. Academic freedom is the right of faculty, staff, and students to engage in creative exploration and research by examining, questioning, teaching, learning, exploring, critiquing, and producing work without adherence to prescribed doctrines. The expression of academic freedom does come with certain responsibilities including a commitment to accuracy, integrity, and adhering to respective Codes of Conduct. Controversy can arise and is not unexpected as a result of creative inquiry, however, the expression of academic freedom needs to include discretion and attention to distinguishing between knowledge and belief.

Copyright Policy

All courses and programs are owned by Sessions College and are protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Therefore, you must treat Sessions College Course Material like other copyrighted material (e.g. a book or musical recording). Your course is limited to your personal use and you are prohibited from sharing your password or any of the Course Materials. You may not rent or lease the Course Material, nor may you modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, or dissemble them. If you violate any part of the Agreement, your right to take Sessions College courses terminates immediately and your password will be deactivated. Under no circumstances shall Sessions College be liable for any incidental, special or consequential damages that might result from the use or inability to use the Course Material or related documentation. Sessions College Course Material and related documentation are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subdivision (b) (3)(ii) of The Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause. Responsible developer is Sessions College, 51 West Third Street, Suite E-301, Tempe, AZ 85281.

Student Confidentiality and Privacy Policy

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the confidentiality of student education records. FERPA requires that schools provide a written policy protecting student privacy rights. Student privacy rights at Sessions College are as follows:

“Student” status applies immediately upon access to the individual’s first course at Sessions College. All students are covered under FERPA while attending Sessions College and upon exiting Sessions College for any reason.

Students have the right to request access to their education records, have their education records provided within 45 days of student request, and challenge the contents of their education records. The request for access must be in writing, by email to, by fax to 866-308-9411, or by mail to Sessions College for Professional Design, Main Campus, 51 West 3rd St, Suite E-301, Tempe, AZ 85281.

Amendments or challenges to the education record must be presented in writing to the Registrar, who will review the request and notify the student of the decision.

A student’s education records are only released to outside parties (such as spouses, parents, or employers) with written consent of the student, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. Students’ education records are disclosed to Sessions College officials with legitimate academic interests.

Sessions College collects general “directory information” about students that may be disclosed or published publicly. For a full guide to the kind of information considered “directory information” under FERPA, visit this page. Students may opt out of release of directory information. The complete directory information policy and opt-out form is available from the Financial Aid Department.

Students have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by a school to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20202

Faculty Conflict of Interest

As an educational institution, Sessions College has a firm policy on preventing faculty conflict of interest. A conflict of interest occurs when a faculty member’s outside interests or commitments unduly affect his or her performance as faculty member. Any student or staff member who believes there is a faculty conflict of interest may provide a written summary of the complaint to The complaint will be resolved using the same institutional process as our student grievance procedure.

Natural Events and Emergencies

When a natural event or other emergency issue impacts student/faculty access to online classrooms, Sessions College will send an announcement to faculty and students. Sessions College requests that faculty members defer to Sessions College recommendations regarding specifics situations and accommodations. In general, we request that faculty members apply flexibility for students who are significantly impacted by natural events and related concerns such as power outages that interfere with their ability to actively engage their online courses. We recommend that students facing classroom access issues contact their advisors to discuss options for maintaining satisfactory academic progress.

Exhibition of Work

Student work posted in the online classes may be nominated by instructors for the online Sessions Student Gallery. Nominations for the Sessions Student Gallery are evaluated by the Education Department and the gallery is updated each term. Gallery selections are based on many factors, and not all work that is submitted can be included. Sessions also reserves the right to publish excellent student work posted in the school learning environment in its promotional materials, including catalog, handbook, and website. Sessions does not own the original work and will not use the work for any other purposes than those outlined above.

Grading Policy

In Sessions College career courses and programs, grades are based on instructor evaluation of submitted student assignments. Student assignments are evaluated on 1-100 scale based on grading criteria published in each course exercise.

Course work is assessed using an A – F grading system, where A = Excellent, B = Good, C = Satisfactory, D = Marginal, F = Failing. To pass each course, students must complete all assignments and any multiple-choice exams and achieve a course average of 65 or higher.

C+ 77-79
C 73-76
C- 70-72
F64 or less

Each student assignment can be submitted a maximum of three times. Resubmission of assignments is encouraged, as instructor critique is essential to the learning process for an art and design student. When a resubmitted assignment is reevaluated, the final grade is stored in the student records.

Student Integrity and Code of Conduct

Student Identity Verification

Sessions College establishes the identity of each program student at enrollment by collecting identifying data that includes name, address, telephone number, date of birth, and social security number, and official documents that can range from high school or college transcripts to financial aid documents. Any information used for student identification is private and confidential and not shared with third parties.

During interactions with staff, students may be asked to provide their Student Identification Number, along with other requested sources of personally identifiable information, at any time, in order to verify their identity.

In order to access their classes, students are issued unique passwords for secure entry to the online learning environment. It is the responsibility of students to protect their passwords to prevent unauthorized access to their accounts at all times. School administrators can track IP addresses and login patterns at any time.

In our Associate Degree and Undergraduate Certificate programs, proctored written examinations are administered at regular intervals. Proctored exams must be facilitated by an online proctor through ProctorU or by an approved alternate proctor.

Behavior and Code of Conduct

In the pursuit of their educational goals, Sessions College students have certain responsibilities toward their fellow students, to their school, and to themselves. To fulfill these responsibilities, students are expected to adhere to the following items in the DEAC Student Code of Conduct. I will:
• Conduct myself with professionalism, courtesy and respect for others in all of my dealings with the institution staff, faculty, and other students.
• Present my qualifications and background truthfully and accurately for admission to the institution.
• Observe the institutional policies and rules on submitting work, taking examinations, participating in online discussions and conducting research.
• Never turn in work that is not my own, or present another person’s ideas or scholarship as my own.
• Never submit or post creative or written work that has been developed using generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools unless authorized.
• Never ask for, receive, or give unauthorized help on graded assignments, quizzes, and examinations.
• Never misrepresent or overstate my role producinga part or whole of a submitted assignment or other
• Never divulge the content of or answers to quizzes or examinations to fellow students.
• Never improperly use, destroy, forge, or alter my institution’s documents, transcripts, or other records.
• Never divulge my student login information or password.
• Always observe the recommended study schedule for my program of studies.
• Always report any violations of this Code of Conduct to the appropriate institution official, and report any evidence of cheating, plagiarism or improper conduct on the part of any student of the institution when I have direct knowledge of these activities.

Disciplinary Action and Dismissal

Sessions College students are expected to behave with respect toward their instructors and fellow students. Every individual has the right to be treated with respect in the school learning environment. Individuals who breach this code of behavior may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

• Plagiarism. Students may not copy another student or artist’s work (whether the work is an essay, a piece of visual artwork, or a page of code) without attribution.
• Submitting AI Generated work. Students may not submit either creative work or written documents/discussion posts that have been generated by AI unless authorized by their instructor and/or per the assignment criteria. If AI generated work is submitted in lieu of original creative or written work, this action is considered plagiarism. The same disciplinary process for plagiarism will be followed for unauthorized submission of AI generated work (written or creative).
• Obscenity. Students may not post or send obscene material within the learning environment. The judgment as to whether posted material is offensive and needs to be removed will be made by school administrators.
• Harassment. Students will not engage in verbal hazing and/or make derogatory remarks degrading an individual’s gender, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or disabled status.
• Email spamming. Students will not engage in any mass emailing of other students for any purpose, whether promotional or informational.
• Privacy infringements. Students will not share any private student information with third parties.

Committing any of the above actions may subject the student to disciplinary action. A student who violates the Enrollment Agreement or the Behavior and Conduct Policy will be subject to the appropriate disciplinary action, which may include: Written or verbal warning, suspension from a course or program, or dismissal from Sessions College.

Disciplinary Actions Appeals Process

Any student may appeal a disciplinary action, including dismissal from the College, by submitting a written appeal letter explaining any mitigating circumstances that led to the disciplinary action and/or any evidence that contradicts the disciplinary action. Appeals must be in writing and sent to the attention of the Appeals Committee at appeals@ within 15 days of notification of disciplinary action. The College will review the appeal promptly. If the appeal is successful, the disciplinary action will be removed or reduced, as appropriate. If the appeal is unsuccessful, the disciplinary action is final and will stand.

Complaint Policy

Student Grievance Procedure

Students who feel they have been treated unfairly relating to some aspect of school policy or procedure may register a formal complaint with school administration. Before registering a formal complaint, students are encouraged to make every effort to resolve the problem directly through constructive dialogue with their instructor, advisor, or other individual(s) involved. If a student wishes to register a complaint, he or she may use the following procedure:

Step 1: The student shall submit a written summary of the complaint to Complaints must be filed within 3 months of cause of grievance.
Step 2: A Student Services representative will be assigned to the complaint and gather relevant data from student records, the learning environment, and third parties such as the instructor or other students if necessary.
Step 3: The Director of Student Services or designee will review the complaint and provide a written resolution to the student within 15 days.
Step 4: A student who wishes to appeal the Director of Student Services or designee’s decision may present an appeal to the school President or designee within 7 days. The President or designee will review the appeal and render a final decision to the student within 15 days.

If the student complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting the Institution’s grievance procedure, the student may file a complaint with the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education. The student may contact the State Board at 1740 W. Adams Street, Suite 3008, Phoenix, AZ 85007, (602) 542-5709, or

Filing Official Complaints

Individuals who have exhausted institutional grievance procedures and wish to file a complaint with appropriate authorities may do so at the following Web pages:

SARA Complaints

If an individual who wishes to register a complaint is not satisfied with the outcome of the institutional process for handling complaints, the complaint may be appealed with the Arizona SARA Council. The Arizona SARA Council has jurisdiction over Arizona SARA-approved institutions and may be approached with any non-instructional complaint for Distance Education students residing outside of Arizona. Prior to registering a non-instructional complaint with the Arizona SARA Council, the student/complainant must complete the Sessions College and the Arizona Board of Private Postsecondary Education complaint process outlined above. Complaints (except for complaints about grades or student conduct violations) may be appealed, within two years of the incident about which the complaint is made, using this SARA page: In addition to submitting complaints to AZ SARA, Distance Education students who are taking online classes from outside of Arizona may also submit a complaint to the state consumer protection agencies listed in this document. However, please note that SARA member states will direct a submitted complaint back to AZ SARA as the host state of the institution.

Withdrawal and Refund Policy

Withdrawal and Refund Policy

A career course student who cancels a course within five days of enrolling is entitled to a full refund of tuition. After five days, where the student cancels after completing at least one lesson assignment but less than 50 percent of course assignments, the school may retain a registration fee of $50 plus a percentage of tuition which shall not exceed the following:

Up to and including 10 percent of the course10 percent of the refundable Tuition (tuition charges remaining after subtracting the non-refundable fee already retained).
Between 10 percent and 25 percent of the course25 percent of the refundable tuition.
Between 25 percent and 50 percent of the course50 percent of the refundable tuition.
Over 50 percent of the course100 percent of the refundable tuition.

A student withdrawing from a course or program may notify the school of cancellation in any manner, by mail, fax, phone, or email:

Email: Fax: 1-800-392-4217
Phone: 1-800-258-4115 Mail: ATTN: Bursar

Sessions College for Professional Design
Main Campus
51 West Third Street,
Suite E-301,
Tempe, AZ 85281

Within 30 days after withdrawal or dismissal, Sessions College shall tender to the student any refund that is due. Any questions regarding the refund policy may be directed to


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