2023-24 Outstanding Graduate Awards Announced

by Sessions Staff | October 16, 2023
In what has become a much-anticipated tradition, each fall Sessions College faculty and staff collaborate to nominate a group of outstanding graduates from the last year. The graduates come from a wide range of programs, from career certificate to BFA level, and they have one common denominator: We look for graduates who have gone above and beyond, inside and outside of class.
Which graduates have the quality of work and level of participation in their classes that shows their potential for future success as creative professionals?
In this new post-pandemic era, our selection committee enjoyed a difficult process, ultimately identifying ten award winners from Graphic Design, Web Design, Illustration, Digital Media, Digital Photography, and Marketing Design programs.
And the 2023-24 Outstanding Graduate winners are:
Samantha Nelson, Graphic Design
Maria Jose Nunez Bonequi, Illustration
Alexandra Adukeh, Graphic Design
Nicholas Fairman, Digital Media
Haley Stoufer, Digital Photography
Justin Moss, Web Design
Brandi Kambalov, Illustration
Megan Lewis-Reed, Marketing Design
Douglas Gorham, Digital Photography
William Esque, Graphic Design
Please visit their award pages and join us in congratulating these students on their awards. We would like to thank all Sessions College faculty who nominated students and participated in this year’s award process, in particular, Jordon Schranz, Piper Nilsson, Andrew Shalat, Felicia Kieselhorst, Boris Margolin, Taz Tally, Kristen Becker, Mike Hamm, and Natalie La Scala. Visit the award pages to read their student endorsements!
About the Outstanding Graduate Awards
Outstanding Graduate Award recipients must be 2022-2023 graduates recommended by Faculty and staff. They must have an excellent academic record and strong graduating portfolio of work. They must have distinguished themselves in their overall participation in their classes and/or made other notable contributions to the Sessions College community.
Each year a set of graduates each receive a physical award and an academic recognition that can help them in their future career. The goal of the award is to identify talents that will shine brightly in the design world. We hope to inspire graduates to push forward in their careers and students to excel in their classes!

Sessions Staff is a restless soul who loves to share relevant news and design industry information with current and prospective students. Read more articles by Sessions Staff.