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Complete Control With Akiflow

by Taylor Slattery | September 30, 2020

Time is money and if you’re pragmatic, you’re always looking for ways to save both. As a culture, we’ve become increasingly obsessed with efficiency. Whether due to the endless hours of novel content a few taps of the finger away, or the ability to have anything we can imagine at our doorstep within two days, it’s no wonder how we’ve reached this point.

For better or worse, the apps and tools we use have also become increasingly integrated parts of our lives. While this has undoubtedly blurred the line between our personal and work lives, turning to digital solutions for human problems has had a large impact on the way we live. We can now defer part of the responsibility of remembering things like dates or keeping notes of correspondence to our devices, which frees us up to focus on tasks that are more demanding of our attention.

The debate between Apple and PC is one that rages on to this day, particularly so in the design world, but even if you’re an Apple user, you likely still use Gmail due to its high capacity and flexibility in organization. Thanks to its powerful suite of tools and seamless integration between hardware and software, more and more users are turning to the Google Ecosystem to meet their needs. Despite the completeness of these tools and their ability to accomplish just about any office-related task, navigating your files can still be a bit, well, inefficient.

Sometimes we’re searching for something we wrote but can’t remember if it was in an email, a doc, or something that was shared with us via Google Drive. It’s in these moments the divide between Google’s disparate parts becomes painfully apparent. This is exactly the problem the creators of Akiflow set out to solve.

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Akiflow condenses the power of Google’s various applications into a single command line that can be conjured up via a simple 2-key shortcut. Users can draft emails, manage their calendar, or search their Drive from a single location. Beyond the Google integration, Akiflow also connects with a suite of other commonly used tools like Slack, which add to its utility. Notifications are boiled down to their most essential elements, and important links and analytics are organized in a neat, easy to browse format, so you can find what you’re looking for faster.

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Akiflow features a simple UI with pinned apps and frequently used favorites accessible via hotkey shortcuts. It offers users the ability to drastically cut down on time spent opening tabs, loading apps, and searching for files so they can focus on what really matters. You can learn more or try Akiflow for yourself here.


Taylor is the Managing Editor of Notes on Design. Taylor is a graphic designer, illustrator, and Design Lead at Weirdsleep.


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