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Free Font Friday: Amagro

by Taylor Slattery | December 13, 2019

Free Font Friday - Amagro

Amagro is an all caps serif typeface created by the Italian typeface designer Fabio Servolo. His letterforms are simultaneously sophisticated and playful. It feels almost like part of the letterforms were created with a calligraphy pen, while others were cut out of paper by a pair of scissors. The result is a typeface that’s fun and surprising to use.

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I find that its character shines most brightly in its numerals and special characters, which feel the most like they were created with scissors. At a distance, Amagro feels very formal and at small sizes, it reads like a more traditional typeface. At large sizes, however, it comes to life. Its various knobs and sharp angles are on full display for all the world to see. It almost feels like it leads a double life. Amagro very well may be the typographic equivalent of a Wes Anderson film. At first glance, a bit sophisticated but the longer you spend with it, the more it lets its hair down to show you its true self.

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It makes for a great choice for menus and packaging, though I myself am partial to the larger applications like posters or hero images. Amagro is free for personal and commercial use and you can find it here.


Taylor is the Managing Editor of Notes on Design. Taylor is a graphic designer, illustrator, and Design Lead at Weirdsleep.


If you are interested in learning to use typography, Sessions College offers Basic Typography and Advanced Typography courses as well as a course in Web Typography.  Contact Admissions for more information.

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