IKEA Brings On 10-Gruppen
by Margaret Penney | April 29, 2017
10-gruppen has been around since the 70s. They are a radical group of designers who live by a manifesto of aesthetic ideals. Their work is colorful, big, somewhat jarring, and eclectic. 10-gruppen aren’t afraid to make a statement or to mix and match wildly diverse prints.  Looking at their designs, one can experience a kind of comfort in the chaotic confidence of their approach. The design style is definitely one in key with a world in flux and transition.
For this season, 10-Gruppen are working with a new crop of designers, mentoring them and bring to life a collection that has their essential style with a contemporary and youthful influence. The AVSIKTLIG collection will debut this May and will be seen on trays, rugs, curtains, pillows, and the KLIPPAN loveseat.
To see more of the collection, take a look at their video. To find out more about 10-gruppen, their new book can be purchased for $7.99.
Margaret Penney is a former Managing Editor of Notes on Design. Margaret is a teacher, designer, writer and new media artist and founder of Hello Creative Co. Read more articles by Margaret.
If you are interested in learning more about using color, Sessions College offers a Color Theory course and many other graphic design courses for students at all levels. Contact Admissions for more information.
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