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The ABCs of Marketing Your Website

by Jill Meyer | March 6, 2019

Have you ever wondered why that one business you drive by every day always has a “For Rent” sign in the windowSurely, the business must be seen by thousands of drivers daily? Then you realize that you are one of those drivers and you never stop because you’re going 70 mph and there’s no easy way to slow down or turn around and go back. That’s what it’s like for a lot of websites. It’s tragic when there are so many viewers searching for your product, but they never stop at your site! 

The ABCs of Optimizing Website Traffic 

A. Always have an appealing title tag and meta description. Search engines crawl for keywords. The most important ranking factors start with the words in your title tag. If they match the search, Google will then consider ranking you for that term. Google will take the terms and then display in the search results. Don’t just stuff key words into your title tag, make sure that your copy flows naturally. Your compelling text will have up to 50 or 60 characters. Watch this video for tips on writing meta titles.  

The ABC’s to Marketing Your Website - Sessions College

B. Blog regularly. You want to be relevant. Lively content that is current says, “My site is alive!” You know your product or service better than anyone, so share your wealth of knowledge. Blogging boosts your SEO (search engine optimization). If you have quality content with relevant keywords, this will drive people to your site. Stay on top of your viewer’s minds in social media too. If they just read a blog article you wrote, they are more likely to remember you when they need your service. If you are very engaging, they may even share your post — bonus! Look here to choose the best blogging platform for you. 

Blogging - Sessions College

C. Create Compelling ContentContent is specific. It is very important that you are thorough in your content. Try to find a niche and keep tight to the subject. Look at every angle and find holes that need to be filled. Work at answering every question that a potential client could pose and answer it within the content of your site. If you are stumped on how to create relevant content, Forbes shares how to make your content more engaging. 

web-content - Sessions College


Jill Meyer is the Managing Editor of Notes on Design. A Scottsdale, Arizona resident, Jill is an artist, decorative painter, interior designer, and writer.


For creatives seeking a thorough training in web coding and front end design, Sessions College offers accredited fully online web design certificate and web design degree programs. Contact Admissions for more information.

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