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WWW… Wednesday! Todoist

by Taylor Slattery | July 26, 2022

WWW… Wednesday! Todoist

Life can be hectic. Between the numerous demands of work and the bills, appointments, and events in your personal life, it’s easy to feel like you’re in a perpetual state of playing catch up. It’s hard enough to manage what’s already on our plate, let alone find time to make progress towards goals and other pursuits that contribute to your personal fulfillment.

What’s worse is the mental congestion that results from this kind of life and prevents us from ever truly relaxing. With the endless stream of emails and notifications, there’s always something happening in the background to worry about.

That’s where something like a task manager comes into play. Todoist is a to-do list app you can use to organize every facet of your life, both personal and professional, and finally achieve a state of calm. Its UI is incredibly simple. Using what Todoist refers to as “natural language recognition”, you can quickly populate your to-do list with items to be completed by a fixed point in time, or on a recurring schedule for those things you need to do on a weekly or monthly basis.

These items can then be further refined using additional fields like priority, which will organize your tasks by urgency, so you always have a clear idea of where to place your focus. If your task is collaborative, you can tag other users to keep them in the loop. Say, for example, you’re planning a family vacation. You can use Todoist to delegate all of the various tasks involved such as booking hotels and flights so everyone knows exactly who needs to do what, keeping everyone accountable.

Todoist can follow you wherever you go. You can use it on both desktop and mobile, with any changes synchronizing across all of your devices. One way in which Todoist differs from other similar tools is its ability to help you track your productivity. Not only can it be used to set goals, but track your progress toward completing as well, using several different means of visualizing your data. Todoist keeps track of all of the tasks you’ve completed as well as those you haven’t, and uses this information to generate useful metrics like streaks you can use to stay motivated and make continued progress toward your goals.

Todoist also features a large library of task-specific templates that you can use to get the ball rolling. Whether your tasks are business-oriented, like managing a design sprint or compiling an annual review, or of a personal nature, like planning a wedding or keeping track of fitness goals, Todoist has templates to help you get organized and plan your next big move.

Todoist is free to use. You can learn more and try it here.


Taylor is the Managing Editor of Notes on Design. Taylor is a graphic designer, illustrator, and Design Lead at Weirdsleep.


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