Online HTML and CSS Course

5229: HTML and CSS Essentials

Create standards compliant Web sites using HTML and CSS

In order to build a Web site today, you need to know how to code using HTML and CSS. In this online HTML/CSS course, you'll learn just how fun and creative hand coding and designing Web sites can be. Working with a professional Web designer, you'll discover how to create Web pages with HTML and control page design and layout with CSS. Working with a pro Web designer, you'll get up to speed with current Web design practices including HTML5, CSS3, semantic coding, Web fonts, and responsive design. By the end of the course, you'll have designed several Web sites, including your first responsive Web site.

Web Design | 60 hours | Next Start:
August 1, 2024
Nadine Thompson Student work by Nadine Thompson.
Visit the Student Gallery.

About This Course

Project-Based Learning

In this creative course, you will build a responsive website with a working navigation, from scratch using HTML and CSS, FTPing your files to the web, and testing and validating your site.

What Skills Will I Develop?

Students in this course can expect to learn to:

  • Analyze how today's Web coding environment works, combining HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Write clean, standards-compliant HTML and CSS.
  • Create and structure HTML documents using common tags, adding hyperlinks and images.
  • Reserve Web hosting and FTP files to the Web.
  • Develop and write CSS rules and apply styles using stylesheets.
  • Use CSS to control color and typography.
  • Employ selectors: classes, IDs, and spans to apply CSS styles.
  • Style elements with the box model, using borders, padding, and margins.
  • Design page layouts using relative positioning, absolute positioning, and floats.
  • Create fixed and fluid one and two-column layouts.
  • Utilize HTML5 semantic elements to structure page content.
  • Demonstrate use of HTML5 code to add audio and video content.
  • Create and style horizontal navigation and standardize layout proportions.
  • Integrate Web fonts into your site's HTML and CSS.
  • Develop and deploy a functioning responsive site with a framework or boilerplate.
  • Set up the Skeleton framework for a Web design project.
What Software and Supplies Do I Need?

  • Computer with Internet connection.
  • An account with an ad-free Web hosting service (free services are available and listed in the course).
  • Photoshop or equivalent program recommended not required.

Course Instructor(s)

The course is taught by the following instructor(s):

Course Outline

    1. An Intro to HTML

      The course begins with an overview of today's Web coding environment. You'll learn how HTML works in combination with CSS and JavaScript, and you'll establish a foundation for writing clean, standard-compliant code. Using a text editor, you will create and structure an HTML page and add images and hyperlinks, using important HTML tags used to structure content. To prepare for your assignments, you'll also learn how to organize Web site files and FTP them to the Web.

    2. CSS Color and Typography

      Web design today is all about using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to style the color and typography of your Web site pages. In this session, you'll learn the benefits of using CSS to control the design of a Web site. Through practical, step by step examples, you'll learn the three primary ways of applying CSS to an HTML page, explore how to correctly write CSS rules, and then apply your design styles using CSS selectors: classes, IDs, and spans. You'll also get an overview of how to use color and typography styles from a design perspective.

    3. Page Layout with CSS

      The power of CSS is not limited to color and typography: CSS is also a tool for controlling Web page layout. The week we will begin by showing you how to apply CSS using the box model to style elements using borders, padding, and margins. This design approach will help your content breathe. You'll explore the ins and outs of CSS positioning, learning how relative positioning, absolute positioning, and floats are used to lay out page sections and create fixed and fluid one and two-column layouts. The lesson wraps up with some essential troubleshooting tips for CSS positioning and floats.

    4. HTML5 Semantic Elements

      In recent years, HTML5 has introduced new ways of structuring and delivering Web page content. This week we will explore this new world with a look at how to use HTML5 uses semantic elements to mark up Web pages to improve layout control and accessibility. Since HTML5 has set new standards for multimedia, you'll learn how to audio and video content to your Web pages and learn principles for testing sites on multiple platforms and browsers.

    5. Advanced CSS Techniques

      The continued evolution of HTML and CSS has provided so much more flexibility for designers. The session explores various techniques that will improve your site designs. First, you'll examine how to create and style horizontal navigation and how to use CSS height and width properties to standardize layout proportions. Then you'll gain an introduction to the many new typographical options offered by Web fonts and Google fonts. Finally, you'll explore some simple but awesome CSS3 effects that will take your Web sites out of the ordinary.

    6. Intro to Responsive Web Design

      Web design today is undergoing a transformation, as more and more sites convert to a responsive design methodology that meets the needs of both desktop computer and mobile users. In the final lecture, you'll learn how responsive sites work, and explore the concept of media queries and how to include them in your style sheets. This will equip you to actually build your own responsive site by working for a framework or boilerplate.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How Do The Courses Work?

Our Professional Certificate courses are project-based and instructor-led. In each course you’ll complete a series of lectures and projects designed to stretch your creative skills. The courses are delivered on a flexible schedule with no set-logins or Zoom meetings. You can study when you want, provided you complete your program by the assigned deadline.

Who Are The Instructors?

Our courses are developed and taught by our industry-leading faculty of creative professionals. This means that you’ll learn in-demand skills, get feedback on your work, and build a portfolio of creative work. View our Student Gallery for featured student projects.

When Can I Start?

You can enroll in this course on an individual basis or as part of a Professional Certificate program. Professional Certificate programs start every month on the first of the month. With rolling admissions, you can start as soon as you complete Orientation.

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How Do I Register?

To register for a Professional Certificate program, complete our program application. To register for this course on an individual basis, please contact our admissions team at An Admissions Advisor will contact you to setup your enrollment.

Course Tuition and Fees
Registration Fee* $50
Total Course Price $999

Registration fees are nonrefundable after 5 days from enrollment.

Is Sessions College Accredited?

Yes. Since 2001, Sessions College has been accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC). The Distance Education Accrediting Commission is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a recognized accrediting agency and is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).