2021-22 Outstanding Graduate Awards

Fall is an exciting time for Sessions College – we welcome new students, inspire current students, and celebrate recent graduates. During the Fall semester, we present the Outstanding Graduate Awards recognizing graduates who exceed expectations by consistently improving their work, accepting feedback, and leading by example for their peers. We wish the awardees and all our graduates great success as they launch or advance their creative careers!!!

To honor the highest student achievement, Sessions College staff and faculty nominate Outstanding Graduates each year. Here are our 2021-22 Outstanding Graduate Award recipients:

Awards Process

Each Outstanding Graduate in this class graduated in the 2020-2021 school year. Award recipients were selected by Faculty and staff. Factors include strong body of creative work, excellent academic record, and overall contributions to Sessions College.


Michelle Buck, Advertising Design

“Every project I did at Sessions made me more ready for a career. I loved how each project could be placed into my portfolio, which came in handy when I had job interviews.” READ MORE


James Warren, Digital Photography

“We all lead busy lives, and Sessions allows you to study when it works best for you! You have a community of classmates and instructors that you can share your work with and get real time feedback.” READ MORE


Kimberly Udall, Web Design

“I completed the program last November, and since then I’ve been expanding my skills to be marketable for an agency position. All my hard work is paying off and I couldn’t be more proud of how my design journey has taken off.” READ MORE


Kristin McKellar, Graphic Design

“Quite a few instructors really are invested in your education, above and beyond what you would expect. Having that support, knowing that there is someone there who will give you that ‘boost of confidence’ is incredible.” READ MORE


Charlotte Sidwell, Illustration

“I loved how responsive my professors were. Their criticism was always constructive and made me a better artist.” READ MORE


Paige Windus, Digital Photography

“The best thing about Sessions College for me was learning what I am passionate about. I am so thankful for the opportunity to study courses that have helped me in my professional career, and that I genuinely enjoyed!” READ MORE


Robin Imse, Digital Media

“I love how accessible so many of my instructors have been and how helpful and accommodating they’ve been.  I’ve been so appreciative of all their hard work and how they’ve been willing to work with me when something comes up in my life.” READ MORE


Sruti Rajagopalan, Digital Arts

“The courses are all well designed and you can tell a lot of thought and effort went into creating them. The instructors are providing high quality professional art education.”



On On Lao, Graphic Design

“I love the variety of classes available, and you can go as solid and in-depth as you want.” READ MORE


Christine Lee, Multimedia Arts

“I was thankful the Multimedia Arts course was already well-established online when COVID-19 disrupted everything. I didn’t miss a beat. I liked working on my own schedule, which allowed me time to tweak projects to my heart’s content.” READ MORE