About Sessions College
Academic Team
At Sessions College, our mission is preparing art and design professionals. To help us achieve our mission, it takes a village. We recruit a Faculty of industry leading artists and designers. Our Academic team of seasoned educators and instructional designers work with our faculty to design, develop, and update course content. Our Department Heads provide annual program reviews, and outcomes assessment, and mentoring. An Advisory Board of design industry veterans provide workplace assessment and program review feedback.

Our Education Team of veteran educators and instructional designers work with our faculty to design, develop, and update courses and programs.
“Online education provides a tremendous opportunity to access an affordable, high quality education wherever you are. Our Academic team focus on creating powerful courses and programs to prepare you for today’s design and digital media careers.”

Dr. Meryl Epstein
Dean of Academic Affairs
Department Heads
Our Department Heads provide expert guidance on curriculum and course development, to ensure our programs keep pace with ever-changing demands of design industry practices.
“A focus on visual design will make your work stand out from the crowd. Our focus is helping you add value to the websites you design—aesthetically, conceptually, semantically.”

Piper Nilson
Department Head, Web Design
Our Faculty members are industry-leading artists and designers who bring together decades of professional and educational experience to deliver excellent courses and online instruction.
“I enjoy teaching online because of the creativity, flexibility, and rapid update-ability of content that online teaching affords. I particularly enjoy teaching at Sessions because we attract students who are serious about their education and are eager to learn.”

Dr. Taz Tally
Digital Photography Faculty
Advisory Board
Our Advisory Board is a multi-disciplinary external group of veteran artists, designers, and employers who provide an industry perspective on workplace needs and an annual program review.
“When a graduate is able to showcase a really powerful set of pieces, a ‘system of design,’ that’s impressive to an employer, even if they’re not in the same industry, because they can see that someone can go from beginning to end.”

Leslie McDougall
Advisory Board Member