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WWW… Wednesday! actiTIME

by Taylor Slattery | November 4, 2020

Tracking how your time is spent is important no matter the size of your operation. Whether you are a small team, a large corporation, or an army of 1, keeping records is an absolute must. Recording each day’s tasks, and the time spent on each is not only necessary for invoicing but can also be utilized to improve our efficiency.

Having an overview of our schedule can help to reveal patterns in our productivity over the course of days, weeks, and months. It helps to illuminate all of the areas in which our time is being poorly spent, like overly long meetings or other distractions, so we can make the necessary adjustments to refocus our efforts and achieve our potential.

Taking time out of your day to log each task may seem counterproductive. After all, we’re busy, and time spent inputting and analyzing this information is time that could be better spent on more meaningful work. Naturally, the more we can automate the better. Tasks that don’t directly contribute to our creative output are better delegated. With slimmer operations becoming the norm, specialized tools allow smaller companies to accomplish more with less. In lieu of a dedicated employee or adding another hat to your growing collection of those worn in the workplace, some clever software can fill the gap.

There are a number of different time tracking software available on the market, each with its own set of strengths and weaknesses. ActiTIME is one such offering that approaches things from a fresh angle. Oftentimes, time tracking services are more oriented towards billing and invoices. For freelancers, this may be all you need, just an easy way to make sure you get paid. But, with larger teams comes a greater potential for insight.

ActiTIME builds upon the framework commonly seen in time tracking services and adds the functionality found in collaborative services, resulting in a piece of software that not only tracks your hours but offers valuable insights as to what they mean for your business. This information can be used to manage budgets, deadlines, and help you to be better prepared for project proposals.

Teams can delegate tasks and track project progress from within actiTIME. Its automatic timer is available as an app as well as a Chrome extension, making recording hours a breeze. Throughout a project, team leaders can monitor each member’s contributions, both through tasks completed and the total time spent working. Once the project is complete, easy to digest visuals display critical information that can aid in important decision making processes. Whether that means analyzing the cost and profit of a project to aid in future proposals, or finding the areas where focus was diverted and making changes to boost your productivity.

To learn more about actiTIME you can visit their page here.


Taylor is the Managing Editor of Notes on Design. Taylor is a graphic designer, illustrator, and Design Lead at Weirdsleep.


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