Faculty Appreciation Week: May 20th-24th

by Sessions Staff | May 20, 2019
Where would we be, without teachers? We’d be in pretty poor shape. And that’s why building on the national movement to annually recognize teachers, Sessions College will designate a week in May each year as Faculty Appreciation Week.

Who are our faculty? The Sessions College Faculty are a team of industry-leading artists and designers from all over the U.S. and abroad. In our classes, they share their knowledge by developing creative ways to teach creativity, and by providing high-quality critique and feedback.  Their goal, our goal, is to help students unlock their potential and create professional quality work – so that they can participate in the workplace as artists and designers.

What can we do as a school to #ThankATeacher? Take a moment this week to thank your instructor when they answer a difficult question or provide eye-opening feedback. If you appreciate the way they are moderating a discussion or the detail in their evaluation of your work, pass it on.

Or send us your appreciative comments for our week-long celebration, to

Sessions Staff is a restless soul who loves to share Campus News stories with current and prospective students.