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Formulating the Best Artist’s Portfolio

by Jill Meyer | March 28, 2019

Formulating the Best Artist’s Portfolio portfolio

An artist’s portfolio is his work displayed in a systematic and engaging way. It is a digital mirror reflecting the essence and spirit of the artist’s work. This link to images and creative narratives most often is the first and only chance you’ll have at introducing yourself to prospective employers and clients. The driving elements defining you as a creative revolves around your style, your process and your direction. Allowing the digital voice of your portfolio to touch and uniquely present your works will become the yoke that links you to a fantastic and fulfilling career.

Most budding artists have spent their days developing their unique medium which may not translate into superior graphic art and web development. Don’t despair, whether your skills lie in fine artistry to set design there are simple steps to ensure that your digital portfolio will stand out and tell your story. It should be a snapshot of a particular point in your artistic career. Develop your portfolio in a digital format that can be updated on a moment’s notice.

velvet-spectrum- portfolio

Velvet Spectrum Portfolio

Begin by selecting work that you feel best represents your unique skills. Scan or save up to 20 digital exhibits. Copy them to a publishing platform like Behance, Deviant Art,  Smugmug, or  Imcreator. Write a short caption describing your work and your artistic goals. Explain each of the images you selected, how they were produced and the medium you used to construct them.

madethought portfolio

Madethought  Portfolio

Develop a cover page that will represent you and the work that is inside. Remember that the cover should speak to your design style and should set the stage for the entire portfolio. Organize the presentation into a book-like format. Create a thread that flows through the presentation. Remember that organization will drive your style and strengths.

Pawel Nolbert Portfolio

Pawel Nolbert Portfolio

Finally, make sure that you have included all your contact information. If your audience loves your work, make it impossible for them to not move forward without reaching out for your business!


Jill Meyer is the Managing Editor of Notes on Design. A Scottsdale, Arizona resident, Jill is an artist, decorative painter, interior designer, and writer.


If you are interested in creating a portfolio website, Sessions College offers website design courses for students at all levels. Contact Admissions for more information.

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