Free Font Friday: Gilroy

by Taylor Slattery | April 24, 2020

Free Font Friday - Gilroy

Gilroy is a geometric sans serif from Radomir Tinkov. It comes in 20 weights, 2 of which, light and extra bold, are free. It features a uniform stroke weight that maintains legibility through its weights and at various sizes. Utilitarian fonts like these are true workhorses and can be used for just about any use you can imagine. The 2 free weights have a great deal of contrast between them making them an extremely flexible pairing.

Its understated, simple appearance lends itself nicely to clean, modern layouts. Use the heavier of the two as a display typeface and the lighter for body copy for a simple, elegant pairing. Gilroy is a self-contained typography solution but if that’s too boring for you, it pairs nicely with louder fonts of greater personality as well.

Use the light weight for body copy and let a more handmade type like a brush script or gothic calligraphy take the spotlight. Gilroy is happy to fill in wherever you need it, so don’t be afraid to treat it like the understudy to the rest of your fonts. It’s like a key that fits into any lock. The light and extra bold weights can be found for free here.


Taylor is the Managing Editor of Notes on Design. Taylor is a graphic designer, illustrator, and Design Lead at Weirdsleep.


If you are interested in learning to use typography, Sessions College offers Basic Typography and Advanced Typography courses as well as a course in Web Typography.  Contact Admissions for more information.

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