WWW… Wednesday! CSS3 Photoshop Plugin

by Margaret Penney | February 21, 2017

The CSS3 Photoshop Plugin is one of few that effortlessly bridges the gap between code and graphic design, providing a useful time-saver for web designers.

The plugin is a free cloud-based plugin that converts Photoshop layers to CSS3. Designers can create their work without worrying as much how it will be coded. Once you are ready, you can just click the CSS3P plugin and the code results are generated at the plugin website, where they can be copied and pasted into your project.

The code is regularly updated from within the cloud and is cross-browser compatible with support for drop shadows, outer glow, inner glow, borders, strokes and even gradient overlays. You can also select multiple layers and apply blending modes effects like Multiply and Overlay.



Margaret Penney is the Managing Editor of Notes on Design. Margaret is a teacher, designer, writer and new media artist and founder of Hello Creative Co.


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