Free Font Friday: Gant

by Margaret Penney | December 2, 2016

Gant is an elegant hand-made font designed by Marcelo Reis Melo. The type has the informal look of a hand-drawn font yet is structured more like a classic Art Deco type design with the variation in thick and thin strokes and tall somewhat condensed height. The combination lends it an informally formal look that is effortlessly stylish and quite appealing.
gantUse this font for the invitation for your next beach soirée, wine tasting or tapas menu.

Download Gant Here




Margaret Penney is the Managing Editor of Notes on Design. Margaret is a teacher, designer, writer and new media artist and founder of Hello Creative Co.


If you are interested in learning to use typography, Sessions College offers Basic Typography and Advanced Typography courses as well as a course in Web Typography.  Contact Admissions for more information.

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